Easier Access to More Resources
Not only has the Mandurah Family History Society launched its new, easy-to-use website, it has also upgraded access to information on the computers in our Research Rooms. These resources are in addition to the resources on our website.
Mandurah Family History Society research computers now provide carefully-selected links to genealogical resources for Australia generally, the Australian states and the United Kingdom. If you want to find the key resources for the United Kingdom, for example, it’s a matter of clicking on the UK folder on the browser bookmark menu and then clicking the link you want to explore. If that’s hard to visualise, just ask one of the volunteer research assistants on duty in the rooms to take you through it.
The resources we link to are ones that experience has shown us to be valuable in family history research. They are not the only useful links, of course, and our research assistants are often able to suggest resources in areas you’re researching beyond the categories we’ve established.
We’re careful to avoid sites that charge users for freely-available information, or charge excessive fees for services such as certificate transcriptions. We hope to have covered the main areas of interest – but if there are countries or categories of information you’d like to see on our computers, please let us know. You can use the Contact Us page on the website or tell us when next you’re in the rooms.
Visitors to our rooms know the value of being able to make use of our subscription services such as Ancestry, Find My Past, My Heritage and more. And the best way to find out about these resources is to come in and explore.
PS: Users of our old website found that even valid links weren’t working when accessed via that website, either at home or in the rooms. That was because the software was so old it couldn’t support them. There are no such problems with our new website – you can use it with confidence. Have fun!